heliconia, lobster claws, flora-8599119.jpg

Hello world! Glad to meet you! (goals: 60 char long title)

Wow, when I started blogging in 2013, it was just simply a place to capture my then 7 months adventure in Europe, disguised as Study Abroad program. Back then, the blog world was also so simple, simple template, simple intention – writing, the space dedicated to writing was similar to that of MS Word. How fast the world has changed, I now re=enter this place, under a new page, my family name, intending to stay for the long-haul, I am blown away by the dedication to SEO, and the spam comments … Anyhow, I am glad to be back, for I am now in my early 30s, the age in which unless I documented it somehow, things never happened, and I am left to wonder what have I done. Anyway, this place would be the digital journey that I wish to share with the world. I do not know who you are, my readers, or if there would be any of you. My desire is simply to share the beautiful things and thoughts that I have encountered along the way, so that it reminds me how beautiful and artsy this life can be. I hope it does the same to you. Most of my time is spent in another world, I work in Finance, I love capitalism, reading, wandering, eating, cooking, dressing up, dressing down, drinking good cocktails/ wine, going crazy, going mealow, binge-watching, being a girl and a woman … Let’s get to know each other, and let’s evolve together. Xoxo, E. Ngotang PS: As expected, the AI thing also recommends me to increase my blog post. I am re-learning what I know about Digital Marketing (which is close to 0). It is always humbling to learn a new skill, so that as an investor, I can stop making ridiculous request to the Growth team, and demand to fire them when the Engagement metrics are not met. PS2: There is no internal link because … well this it the FIRST post. PS3: There is no external link because … well, what shall I connect? My LinkedIn?


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